‘Qawarib’: a lifeboat for Palestinians in need

//‘Qawarib’: a lifeboat for Palestinians in need

‘Qawarib’: a lifeboat for Palestinians in need

The volunteer program that a group of young Palestinians developed three years ago in Ramallah to help their community.

Driven by the desire to give, the humanitarian project ‘Qawarib’ (in Arabic: ‘boats’), sails tirelessly, to ferry the needy from one shore of poverty to the other.

The heart of the program is a first assistance center located in Ramallah, where the volunteers work as in a beehive, especially when circumstances like conflicts in the country, hardhips or the beginning of the school year become more critical. The project was created by a group of Palestinian boys and it has been carried out for three years.

2017-01-20T21:08:36+00:00January 20th, 2017|Categories: News from the Holy Land|0 Comments