News from the Holy Land

/News from the Holy Land

It is already Christmas … in Gaza

2016-12-23T17:16:13+00:00December 23rd, 2016|Categories: News from the Holy Land|

Sunday, December 18, the Christian community of Gaza gathered around the delegation of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem to celebrate Christmas. A time of joy and sharing despite everything. An appointment which could not be missed by the small Christian community in the Gaza strip, which in the last Advent Sunday celebrated its birth. One of [...]

Jerusalem archbishop: Mideast Christians suffer but keep faith strong

2016-12-22T19:13:46+00:00December 22nd, 2016|Categories: News from the Holy Land|

JERUSALEM (CNS) - Except for specific incidents in Egypt and one in Libya, Christians in the Middle East are suffering the same fate as their fellow citizens, Archbishop Pierbattista Pizzaballa, apostolic administrator of the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, told media in response to a journalist's question at his first Christmas news conference. Because of the political [...]

Christmas Message from the Custos

2016-12-22T19:07:57+00:00December 22nd, 2016|Categories: News from the Holy Land|

Christmas Message from the Custos, Father Francesco Patton, OFM Jerusalem, Christmas 2016 In the Psalm that Saint Francis composed for the celebration of Christmas he reminds us that: “the Most Holy Child has been given to us, and has been born for us on the way and placed in a manger because he did not have [...]

The pharmacy of the Custody: an artistic heritage

2016-12-16T20:51:16+00:00December 16th, 2016|Categories: News from the Holy Land|

This was the first pharmacy in Jerusalem. It remained open until the mid-900s. Today, it preserves a heritage of over 420 vases in the process of restoration. The pharmacy supplied the people of Jerusalem; it was a landmark for the care of the population. According to the historical documents, it was created shortly after the arrival [...]